Widgets EN

Task Templates

Widget features:
The widget allows you to create tasks with substitutions from standard and custom Kommo fields. Supports work in SalesBot, with which you can automate the process of creating tasks.

How to use:
Install the widget and go to Settings → Task Templates
For each type of tasks saved on your account, you can create a ready-made template.
Use the sample substitutions or add your own:
  • If you want to add values ​​from custom deal fields, use the {{lead.cf.XXXXXX}} substitution format, where XXXXXX is the custom deal field ID.
  • If you want to add values ​​from custom contact fields, use the {{contact.cf.XXXXXX}} substitution format, where XXXXXX is the contact's custom field ID.

3. Use SalesBot in Digital Pipeline to deliver the task. From the SalesBot menu, select Widget → Task Templates by amgroup → Add.

4. Click the Insert Template button to use a previously created template or create a new task using lookups. When clicking on the fields, the mask is copied to the clipboard and can be pasted into the text using Ctrl+V or the right mouse button → Paste.
5. Set up a trigger for SalesBot to run in the funnel.

Install this widget for a free 7-day-trial from Integrations sections at Kommo:

1.Go to Kommo
2.Settings → Integrations
3.Type  Task Templates in search bar
4.Choose a widget
5.Fill in a form and click Free 7-Day Trial button

The free 7-day trial period for your account will start automatically.

Widget cost: 199$ /year

2022-12-05 13:53